Hey Immutables,. Getting a better understanding of the product roadmap for Immutable has been a popular request.

06 Jun 2023, 00:03
Hey Immutables, Getting a better understanding of the product roadmap for Immutable has been a popular request. At the same time, making hard promises on deadlines in crypto-land is challenging at best. With that in mind, we’re excited to roll out the Immutable Product Roadmap! This will be updated monthly to provide insight on our long-term vision & what the Immutable product team is prioritizing. You’ll notice that there aren’t any hard dates. The focus is to build in public, emphasize what the team is building at the moment, and what we believe will ultimately add value to Immutable—the biggest ecosystem of gaming. That is, the Immutable Product Roadmap highlights the ‘What and why’, rather than the ‘Wen’. For example, you’ll find that the focus right now is: 1. Immutable zkEVM 2. The Orderbook on zkEVM 3. Immutable Passport This is just the beginning for Immutable as we continue to build the best product suite for all builders and players within the space.