The game that got you into gaming is.

18 Apr 2023, 19:04
The game that got you into gaming is...

Same news in other sources

19 Apr 2023, 16:03
Welcome @kaidrochronicle to Immutable! Kaidro began as a webcomic raising $5M in anticipation of their storytelling game and is now embarking into web3 #onImmutable. They are also working with the writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender to flesh out an animated TV show!
Welcome @kaidrochronicle to Immutable.
Welcome @kaidrochronicle to Immutable! Kaidro began as a webcomic raising $5M in anticipation of their storytelling game and is now embarking into web3 #onImmutable. They are also working with the writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender to flesh out an animated TV show!